"The crow’s feet and smile lines improved dramatically."
"I’ve been going to the beach since before I can remember, and all the activities I enjoy in adulthood are outdoors, but I didn’t learn how to take care of my skin until my early thirties. I’m also a single mother which adds to my daily stress. These factors are definitely what led to the wrinkles I developed a few years ago!""Most of my fine lines and wrinkles appeared in the form of crow’s feet and smile lines, but I also had some freckles and discoloration from old blemishes that bothered me. As soon as I began using Rejuran® Advanced Anti-Aging Retinol + c-PDRN® Serum, the crow’s feet and smile lines improved dramatically. The discoloration also began to clear up."
"Everyone I run into mentions how good my skin looks and how young I look. It gives me more confidence which allows me to be more outgoing. I really enjoyed the texture of this serum; it was very light and the scent was fresh. I used it every other night without irritation, but I did have to be diligent about my SPF during the day!"
Jennifer Olea
"The texture of my skin feels much smoother and it is so much faster and easier putting my makeup on!"
"My skin story is important to me, so I have tried to take care of my skin for most of my life. I have, however, spent a lot of time in the sun.""I always use sunscreen and wear a hat, but years spent with my kids on the softball and soccer fields and at the beach have led to discoloration and pigmentation."
"I didn’t have acne as a teenager but experienced some adult acne, and I still experience little breakouts here and there which also left visible marks on my face."
"Once I started using the Rejuran® Advanced Anti-Aging Retinol + c-PDRN® serum, I definitely noticed a difference. I’ve noticed less hyperpigmentation, my dark spots are fading, and my skin feels so incredibly hydrated and supple."
Erin Del Toro
"My skin is smoother, it’s glowing, and the sun spots on my face are definitely lighter"
"I’ve noticed that how I feel on the inside is a reflection of how I look on the outside.""My name is Lisa, and I’m 55 years old."
"After a lifetime spent in the California sunshine, I began noticing wrinkles and some discoloration on my face in my 40s."
"I’m really active, I love to travel and spend time with my kids, and love life in general, so I wasn’t happy when I began to look older than I feel."
"After using Rejuran® Advanced Anti-Aging Retinol +c-PDRN® serum for a month, I have to admit the results are amazing. I was VERY skeptical about seeing any improvement in my wrinkles, but it happened—my skin is smoother, it’s glowing, and the sun spots on my face are definitely lighter."
"I’d recommend this serum to anyone because it really has helped me look more like I feel, and what I feel is young healthy."
Lisa Espinoza
"My skin tone looked more even and my scars were fading!"
"Throughout my teen and young adult years, I struggled with acne. Young and naïve, I’d aggressively pick and poke at my skin to rid my face of any whiteheads which ultimately created deep scars on my face.""After finally getting my acne under control, I was left with years worth of acne scars and hyperpigmentation. I tried expensive serums, TikTok recommendations--anything that might help--but nothing really made a difference. I hid my insecurities with makeup, never leaving the house without it."
"After using Rejuran® Advanced Scar Gel for only a few weeks, I could see a visible difference in my skin! It was encouraging to see the change after being let down by so many products before. My skin tone looked more even and my scars were fading!"
"After a couple months using the scar gel, I felt much more radiant and confident in my skin. I didn’t have to hide behind my makeup anymore because my insecurities were literally fading away."
"In my experience with skincare, I found that a lot of today’s products are extremely harsh and aggressive to our skin. What I liked about Rejuran® Advanced Scar Gel was it wasn’t irritating, it just felt like it completely renewed my skin. This is a great product for people with sensitive skin that want to reduce the appearance of scars and hyperpigmentation!"
Bailee Williams
"I’m very impressed with the results and this serum is now a permanent part of my skincare routine!"
"I’ve used retinol in the past with good results, but I was never impressed enough to keep it as part of my daily routine until I began using this retinol serum from Rejuran®.""What makes me really like this product is that it’s a serum, not a cream. It’s not sticky or thick…it absorbs into my skin so I don’t feel overloaded with skincare products when I apply my nighttime moisturizer."
"Rejuran® Advanced Anti-Aging Retinol + c-PDRN® serum gave me significant improvement around my eyes where I’ve struggled with wrinkles since I was in my 40s. I’m very impressed with the results and this serum is now a permanent part of my skincare routine!"
Linda Tan
"I felt like my skin was totally reinvented."
"It took a long time, a lot of trial and error, and a lot of trips to the dermatologist, but I finally got my acne under control and found a skincare routine that I love.""I don’t really have bumps on my face anymore, but I did have some spots where the blemishes used to be and my skin texture was really rough, especially on my cheeks. It’s easy to cover with makeup but I don’t really wear makeup, so my dermatologist told me to try improving my skin texture with Retinol."
"After the first week, my skin did peel a little, but it was not red or uncomfortable. My dermatologist told me to stick with it for at least a month and after about 3 weeks, I felt like my skin was totally reinvented. It was smooth and glowy and my skin looked new. I’m going to keep using the serum because I love the way it makes my skin feel."
Katherine Hass
"The Turnover Ampoule was different from the first second I tried it"
"I had no idea what to expect when I first tried the Rejuran® Healer Turnover Ampoule, but it wasn’t a miracle. I was feeling kind of down because my skin looked tired and dry and whatever I was doing to help it wasn’t working.""The Turnover Ampoule was different from the first second I tried it. It felt more silky or luxurious than other serums, and it absorbed quickly without disappearing, leaving my skin looking fresh and healthy."
"My skin has gotten firmer and younger-looking in the few months I’ve been using the Turnover Ampoule, but I swear, my skin texture, including my wrinkles, looked better the second I put it on. It works great under my moisturizer and makeup, I love the hydrated glow it gives me, and there is no way I’m giving up this serum!"
Jackie Stephens
"I’m actually getting compliments about my skin now and I love the way it looks and feels."
"My skin is usually very dry, so I was skeptical about using a product to reduce the marks on my face because I was afraid of peeling and irritation. But, I had so many dark spots on my face, I had to do something.""In the past few years, I’ve gone through treatment for pre-cancerous conditions on my face which left me with awful discoloration. Then, on top of that, I was in a bike accident that left me with 50 stitches on my face and scars that made me really self-conscious."
"I tried every spot-fading serum and cream under the sun before finding Rejuran®, and they all left me with peeling skin or did nothing at all."
"Rejuran® Intensive Pigment Corrector was different from the start. The texture was really nice so I liked using it, but it also didn’t irritate my skin. Within a few weeks, I thought my spots were fading, but I wasn’t sure, but after 6 weeks, there was no doubt; my skin looked a million times better."
"I’m actually getting compliments about my skin now and I love the way it looks and feels."
Tracy Blake
"I love my even skin tone and my healthy-looking complexion."
"I work in Sales and 95% of what I do requires face-to-face (or Zoom to Zoom) interaction plus tons of boldness and tenacity.""In the last 2 years, I noticed the subtle dark spots on my face were getting increasingly visible, and it was really affecting my confidence, especially at work. Feeling kind of desperate, I bought the Rejuran® Advanced Intensive Pigment Corrector and it helped me crush my self-doubt."
"I was hoping for results within a month or two, but after only a few weeks, I could tell my discoloration was fading. For sure, the serum sped up the spot-erasing process. I love my even skin tone and my healthy-looking complexion and even more importantly, I’m so glad to be back on my game professionally."
Jessica Devereaux
"I noticed the biggest change to my puffy eye circles."
"I feel like, as far as my skin goes, everything happens overnight. I looked pretty good—not too many wrinkles, no sagging—then one day I woke up and it’s like I aged 10 years while I slept. My eyes looked baggy and puffy, my cheeks looked saggy, and my wrinkles were the only thing I saw when I looked in the mirror.""I decided to “treat myself” to the Rejuran® Healer Turnover Ampoule and the first thing I want to say is it made my skincare routine fun again. I was excited to get out of bed in the morning and wash my face so I could apply the Ampoule."
"I didn’t really notice huge results at first, though my skin felt hydrated and looked healthy, but sure enough, one night I applied it before bed and woke up in the morning looking a million times better. I noticed the biggest change to my puffy eye circles, but my entire face looks and feels tighter and more lifted."
Debbie Matthews
"I can’t even see my scar anymore."
"You never know when your skin story is going to take a turn. I’ve always had good skin…no acne, no dryness, no scars, no issues.""All that changed the day I lost my footing playing with my kids and scraped my face on the concrete resulting in a large scar near my right eye. Honestly, it was devastating having a scar on my face. No matter how much I smiled or how I styled my hair, I felt like the only thing people noticed was my scar. People asked, “What happened to your face?!” It was tiresome and embarrassing."
"Then, I was promoted to Account Manager in the Sales department. Yes, Sales. …meaning I now represented my company in face-to-face negotiations with multi-million dollar customers. It made me very self-conscious about my scar. Sometimes I forgot about it when I interacted with people at work, at least, until I caught a glimpse of my reflection and the self-consciousness came flooding back."
"A friend told me about Rejuran® Advanced Scar Gel and not only has it helped fade my scar, it also helped restore my confidence. Every morning before work, I applied the gel and in just one week, I was already seeing improvements. Nothing about the scar gel bothered me; it wasn’t sticky or uncomfortable and it didn’t smell weird."
"Now? Now there’s no worries! I can’t even see my scar anymore. I look in the mirror now and instead of a scar near my right eye, all I notice is I need to brush my hair more often."
"Rejuran® Advanced Scar Gel made my skin story a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and I chose to rewrite it with no scars."
Andrew Torres
"After using Rejuran® Healer, my neck definitely appears firmer!"
"I would seriously cringe when I looked at my neck in photos as there was so much sagging and creping.""After using Rejuran® Healer, my neck definitely appears firmer! I love the luxurious consistency and how it revitalizes fine lines and wrinkles. No more cringing for me!"
Lisa King
"After just 4 weeks of using the Rejuran® Advanced Face & Neck Firming Cream, my chin and neck area appeared visibly tighter."
"My skin has always been sensitive with both dry and oily areas. I have had rosacea since I was in my early fifties; thus, I am cautious about facial products I use and try to avoid products that increase skin inflammation.""I noticed a remarkable improvement in the hydration and smoothness of my skin after using the Rejuran® Advanced Face & Neck Firming Cream. After just 4 weeks of using it, my chin and neck areas were noticeably tighter and looked more lifted. The product has a pleasant smell that is not overpowering, but it’s not highly fragranced which is important to me to keep my rosacea from flaring up."
"I have always taken care of my skin and tend toward products that are natural or organic and do not contain parabens, sulfates, or dyes. Rejuran® checked all of these requirements for me."
Geri Rosal
”Thanks to Rejuran® Advanced Anti-Aging c-PDRN®+Retinol Serum, I feel happy and confident every morning I look in the mirror!”
"Honestly, I never took care of my skin growing up, which I really regret now. I didn’t even start using sunblock until my late 30s – and it began to show in the form of wrinkles all over my face while I was still in my 30s! I was a busy, single mom who put everyone else’s needs before my own.""I eventually accepted the fact I was just going to have to live with my skin that was aging quickly. Until I was given Rejuran® Advanced Anti-Aging c-PDRN®+Retinol Serum to try for eight weeks. This stuff is like nothing I’ve tried before."
"After just one month, I thought I was aging in reverse! My wrinkle depth was diminishing before my eyes! My family and friends began complimenting my skin all the time, which gave me a confidence boost I haven’t felt in years. When people would ask me what I was doing, I’d simply smile and say, “Rejuran®.”
"Rejuran®’s proprietary ingredient c-PDRN® is in NO other product on the market! That’s why nothing has ever worked before. And, now, when I wake up every morning, I feel so much better about myself, my skin, and my eyes! I learned it’s never too late to undo the damage and give your skin a fresh start with the skincare it deserves."
"Thank you, Rejuran®!"
Maria Garcia
”After about 8 weeks, most of my scars were completely gone and the others were barely noticeable.”
"Around the time I started high school, I started having some problems with my skin. It could be because I was playing football or it could have been my age, but I was breaking out a lot on my face, back, and shoulders and it was really embarrassing.""My dermatologist put me on medication that helped clear up the acne, but I still had a lot of purple & red scars on my face and back which was just as embarrassing."
"I don’t like using a lot of products but my mom got me to try Rejuran® Advanced Scar Gel and it was really easy to use, I just put it on my scars twice a day. It dried fast and I didn’t really notice it or think about it after I put it on."
Vaughn Deeble
”Thanks to the Rejuran® Healer Turnover Ampoule, I’m a Reformed Pimple Popper Who Got a Second Chance at Good Skin!”
"Lucky for me I had inherited good skin from my parents and somehow managed to make it through my teenage years dodging the major breakouts that most of my girlfriends struggled with.""That was until I hit my 30’s when I got hit with hormonal acne all across my chin and jawline. It was so persistent and took forever to clear up. You know what I’m talking about, those pimples that just come out of nowhere and make themselves right at home on your face. This, of course, all happened at the same time as I started to notice flushes of redness across my cheeks. Great, now I have rosacea too. This was not something I could just sit back and watch happen, no, I decided aggressive picking was the way to go! And we all know what happened next, my acne cleared up but the spots that were left behind from my picking did not. I have to say, the damage I had caused to my skin from picking at my pimples wasn’t as bad as what I’ve seen some of my friends struggle with, but it was bad enough that I didn’t leave my house without concealer on. Even just to run to the grocery store or grab my kids after school."
"Enter Rejuran® Healer Turnover Ampoule and hello to softer, healthier and healed skin! I started using the Healer Ampoule because I thought it would help with my redness and scarring and because it was gentle enough to not irritate my rosacea. I can’t express to you enough how much I love this serum. Not only did it help to fade those red spots, but my whole face feels plumper, softer and more hydrated."
"Not only do I feel confident and secure enough to leave my house without makeup again, my complexion got a total re-boot! The Healer Ampoule is so easy to use, too, which I love. The consistency is thin, non-sticky, and absorbs quickly into my skin, so I can get on with the rest of my skincare routine and get out the door."
Kelly Valencia
This Swimmer-turned-Teacher Feels Confident Rejuran® Can Help Protect Her Skin from Skin Cancer with Regular Usage
"I’ve always been diligent about moisturizing my skin, having lived my childhood in Arizona and my entire adult life in California – both famous for their endless summery days. Though I’ve been very good about hydrating my skin, I have been lax on the neck area, which has proved to be problematic. The Rejuran® Advanced Hydrating Sunday Crème Broad Spectrum SPF 15 Sunscreen has reminded me that skin cancer is on the rise and it’s crucial to remember to slather my skin – including my neck - every day with powerful protection I can count on to keep my skin safe from the damaging rays. I’ve noticed that this product has stopped new brown spots from popping up and has kept my skin very hydrated all day, which has always been a very important part of my skincare goals. My friends have even asked what products I’ve been using, so I guess the amazing effects are shining through! I’m definitely very pleased with the results. I had some uneven texture, but have finally begun to see improvement after using this product for nearly two months now. I especially love how it moisturizes my sundrenched skin, which is a big plus in my beauty book.""Because I started using eye cream when most girls my age were still playing with dolls, I don’t have much sagging around the eye area. Since I have started using the Rejuran® Advanced Active Night Repair Cream just 8 weeks ago, I am very pleased with the brightening effects this product has had on my dark circles. Up until now, I have been unable to find a product that could lighten and brighten the sensitive skin around my eyes to the degree Rejuran® has. By the 8th week of consistent usage, the brightening effects are still going strong and continue to amaze me. I’ve also noticed the little bit of sagging I had has starting to tighten and lift, which is a big bonus. There is definitely no other eye product on the market that can replicate the amazing results I’ve had using Rejuran®!"
"Thank you, Rejuran®!"
Suzanne Scholz
“I’ve Always Wondered How Freeing It Must Be to Just Not Wear Makeup...”
"I’ve suffered from sensitive skin and acne for as long as I can remember. It has been my biggest skin insecurity. Though I am extremely thankful for makeup products that help cover up and conceal my imperfections, I’ve always secretly wondered what it would be like not to have to rely on foundation or concealer to achieve flawless-looking skin. I love skincare, but haven’t been able to find a product line that worked well with my volatile skin. Until, Rejuran®!""Spoiler alert: although my skin is a work in progress, it’s helped clear up most of my blemishes and post-acne scarring!"
"It doesn’t take much to make my skin react. Whether it’s lack of sleep, something I ate, stress, or even a change in the weather, I never know what is going to set my skin off."
"When I paired the Rejuran® Advanced Intensive Scar Treatment Mask with the Rejuran® Advanced Scar Gel Treatment, it was a total game-changer for my complexion! Both are super gentle on my sensitive skin. No tingling sensation, redness, irritation, nothing! I can see old acne scars and stains begin to disappear. They were starting to fade...finally! Even new pimples were drying up quicker than ever before with this one-two punch of a pair! It’s definitely a complexion-clearing combo from Rejuran® that’s worked."
"Products that are gentle AND effective! Thank you, Rejuran®!"
"Lucky for me I had inherited good skin from my parents and somehow managed to make it through my teenage years dodging the major breakouts that most of my girlfriends struggled with."
E. Rivera
“It has become my favorite part of my nightly skincare routine.”
"As someone who has always had oily/dry combination skin and large pores, I began developing scars that I’m assuming are a result of sun damage. I began using the mask for overall improvement of skin texture and tone, and also to calm redness and shrink pores. I started using this formula 3x a week leaving it on for 15 minutes as a mask and then washing it off. It has become my favorite part of my nightly skincare routine. I began seeing texture results within just a few uses! It improved my skin and really helped me achieve a smoother complexion. I feel more confident, and my skin looks great! I will be purchasing this mask again, it really works! I highly recommend this for anyone struggling with scarring and uneven skin texture."Alejandra Landaverde
"I’ve always struggled with acne, especially cystic acne, since puberty. I had some persistent dark scars on my chin as well as some recent marks from acne due to a hormonal flare-up. I tried other acne medications as a teen and more recently, but found that they always irritated my skin and ended up causing an even worse reaction. I started using Rejuran® Advanced Intensive Scar Treatment Mask every other night after washing my face. I’d just leave it on all night. There was no noticeable odor, and the texture made my face feel completely soothed and moisturized, and it didn’t make me break out. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone struggling with acne who has dry or sensitive skin."
Nichole Ornella
"I had terrible acne as a teenager and went to numerous dermatologists. Eventually, I got it under control with the help of medication, but I now have to deal with scarring on top of the issues associated with my oily, combination, sensitive skin. I started using the scar mask about five or six weeks ago. I apply it at night and also in the morning. The texture feels wonderful and there isn’t any discernible smell."
Lucinda Cierpich
"I have always had dry/combination skin and suffered from eczema, which causes extreme dry patches on my face and body. I have also suffered from post-acne scars from adolescence and have some red patches on my face due to skin sensitivity. I have only been using the Rejuran® Advanced Intensive Scar Treatment mask for about a month, but so far, it has had an amazing effect on my skin. The texture is subtle and it really moisturizes with no noticeable smell. I just apply it before bed two or three times a week and leave it on overnight. I’ve already noticed some change in color on my post-acne scars. I will definitely keep using this product."
Megan Perez Gamboa
When I was first approached about trying Rejuran® Active Night Repair Eye Cream, I have to admit that I was skeptical. I had never heard of Rejuran® and was doubtful that it would work. As an influencer who wants to uphold my reputation, I made a promise to my followers that I would not collaborate with brands to showcase items that I didn’t love. I decided that I would try the product for a few weeks to give the potential partnership a fair chance.
My initial impression or Rejuran® Active Night Repair Eye Cream was that it was rich and smooth. Applying it to the skin under my eyes was cool and soothing. Normally I dab my eye cream on, but this product application was so silky and luxurious that I was literally able to swipe it around my eyes! This product was not greasy, and absorbed quickly.
I used the product once a day in the morning under my makeup. After 45 days, I took my “after “pictures and compared them to my “before” pictures. I was astonished at the results! There is no doubt that this product minimized fine lines around my eyes. Although I have a tan in my “after” pictures, the results are unmistakable.
I will continue to use this product daily as part of my regular skin care regimen. and look forward to trying additional products. If their eye cream works this good, I can’t wait to see how the rest of their products perform!
My initial impression or Rejuran® Active Night Repair Eye Cream was that it was rich and smooth. Applying it to the skin under my eyes was cool and soothing. Normally I dab my eye cream on, but this product application was so silky and luxurious that I was literally able to swipe it around my eyes! This product was not greasy, and absorbed quickly.
I used the product once a day in the morning under my makeup. After 45 days, I took my “after “pictures and compared them to my “before” pictures. I was astonished at the results! There is no doubt that this product minimized fine lines around my eyes. Although I have a tan in my “after” pictures, the results are unmistakable.
I will continue to use this product daily as part of my regular skin care regimen. and look forward to trying additional products. If their eye cream works this good, I can’t wait to see how the rest of their products perform!

Rachael Wittman: @going_grachael
"I’ve had good skin, never too dry or oily and no problems with acne. That is, until I developed skin cancer, which left me scarred. I’ve been using medication to treat my scarring, but I’m still looking for a simple solution to diminish the look of my scars. I enjoy that the Rejuran® line is simple and I am able to stick to it. It’s really impacted my daily routine. I just put the scar mask on at night. I use it all over my face at least two to three times a week before going to bed. It has a soothing texture and no harsh smell. I would definitely recommend it to my friends."
Jodean Hudson
"My skin has been pretty balanced overall, but I have a facial scar on the left side of my eye due to a scratch. I have not tried any products to fade the scarring in the past, but I thought I’d try Rejuran®’s Advanced Intensive Scar Treatment Mask. I really enjoyed using it. The texture is definitely hydrating. I applied it all over my face at night before bed almost every night. I used it with Rejuran®’s scar gel on my scar and on dark spots under my eyes and saw a real difference. Overall, my skin feels healthier, brighter, and softer. I would totally recommend it."
Kelina Russo
"The real deal"
"I tend to touch my face frequently throughout the day. I have not always been great at following a skin regimen and washing my face consistently. I get acne breakouts that are hormonal and often cystic. I have been using the Calming and Soothing Cleanser for just over two months now in the morning and at night. I have significantly less blackheads and no cystic acne since using it, which is amazing for me.It has a very subtle citrus scent, which is pleasant and not overwhelming."
"I tend to touch my face frequently throughout the day. I have not always been great at following a skin regimen and washing my face consistently. I get acne breakouts that are hormonal and often cystic. I have been using the Calming and Soothing Cleanser for just over two months now in the morning and at night. I have significantly less blackheads and no cystic acne since using it, which is amazing for me.It has a very subtle citrus scent, which is pleasant and not overwhelming."
Elisha Samuelson
"So far so good."
"I’ve been using this cleanser every night and my skin feels smoother and more soft. I really like the texture."
"I’ve been using this cleanser every night and my skin feels smoother and more soft. I really like the texture."